Good Practice Study on GHG-Inventories for the Waste Sector in Non-Annex l Countries

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Jakob Graichen, Margarethe Scheffler, Vanessa Cook

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Emissions and Gases, Pollution, Waste and Pollution
Year: 2015

Assessment of the impact of road transport policies on air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions in Kenya


Aderiana Mutheu Mbandi, Christopher S. Malley, Dietrich Schwela, Harry Vallack, Lisa Emberson, Mike R. Ashmore

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Air Pollution, Emissions and Gases, Health and Climate Change, Pollution, Transport
Year: 2023

The impact of corruption in climate finance on achieving net zero emissions

Journal of International Studies

Serhiy Lyeonov, Szilvia Erdeiné Kérmárki-Gally, Victoria Bozhenko, Zdenek Toušek

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Climate Finance, Emissions and Gases, Governance
Year: 2023

Steps Ahead: Leveraging Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to Achieve Net-Zero Emissions and Climate-Resilient Development

United Nations Development Program (UNDP)

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Adaptation and Resilience, Emissions and Gases, Mitigation, NDCs
Year: 2022

Intensification of pastures in the tropics should consider Enteric Methane Emission to the environment to save the climate: An in vitro CH4 analysis from common intensified range pastures in Kenya

Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM)

D. Leemans, J. Mooby, O. K. Koech

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Climate Change Impacts, Emissions and Gases
Year: 2016

Climate Finance and Emission Reductions: What Do the Last Twenty Years Tell Us?

ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research

Claire Gavard, Niklas Schoch

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Climate Finance, Emissions and Gases
Year: 2021

An East African perspective of the Anthropocene


Daniel Ochieng Olago, Eric O. Odada, Lydia A. Olakaa

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: East Africa, Emissions and Gases
Year: 2020

Greenhouse Gas Inventory Data


Type: Databases and Platforms
Theme/Sector: Climate Information Services, Emissions and Gases, Open Data
Year: 2023

Energising Kenya’s future: reducing greenhouse gas emissions and achieving development aspirations

Stockholm Environment Institute

Francesco Dalla Longa, Francis X. Johnson, Hannah Wanjiru, Marieke van Klaveren, Mbeo Ogeya, Oliver W. Johnson

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Economic Development, Emissions and Gases
Year: 2018

LECB Programme Impact and Results: Kenya

United Nations Development Program (UNDP)

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Emissions and Gases, Mitigation, NDCs
Year: 2019

Reducing carbon emissions: Strathmore University contributions towards sustainable development in Kenya

Strathmore University

Lilian Njeri Munene

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Economic Development, Emissions and Gases
Year: 2019

Closing the deal on CDM transition

Climate Finance Innovators

Aglaja Espelage, Axel Michaelowa, El Hadji Mbaye Diagne, Nicole Krämer, Ruth Kassaye, Sandra Greiner, Stephan Hoch

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Carbon Markets, Climate Finance, Emissions and Gases
Year: 2020

Growth, emissions, and climate finance nexus for sustainable development: Revisiting the environmental Kuznets curve

John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Hannah Jun, Songhee Han

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Climate Finance, Economic Development, Emissions and Gases
Year: 2022

Reduction of Carbon Emissions in Kenya: Focus on Renewable Energy

Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA)

Anne Mulea

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Emissions and Gases, Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy
Year: 2015

Pricing Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Key Findings for Kenya

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Carbon Markets, Emissions and Gases
Year: 2022

Measurement,reporting and verification of livestock GHG emissions by developing countries in the UNFCCC: current practices and opportunities for improvement

CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change,Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)

Andreas Wilkes, Andy Reisinger, Eva Wollenberg, Suzanne van Dijk

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Climate Change Impacts, Emissions and Gases, Livestock
Year: 2017

Methane Mitigation From The Dairy Sector In Kenyaâ??S Nationally Determined Contribution (Ndc)

Climate & Clean Air Coalition (CCAC)

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: NDCs, Emissions and Gases, Livestock
Year: 2021

Developing countries,monitoring and reporting on greenhouse gas emissions,policies and measures

Mott MacDonald

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Climate Change Impacts, Emissions and Gases, Mitigation
Year: 2010

Greenhouse Gas Inventory for the Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Sector in Kenya

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Irene Paps

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Climate Change Impacts, Sustainable Cooling, Emissions and Gases
Year: 2022

Food systems emissions in Kenya and their reduction potential

Center for International Forestry Research and World Agroforestry (CIFOR-ICRAF)

Christopher Martius, Loanne Guérin, Nathanaël Pingault, Francis Mwambo, Reiner Wassmann, Laura Cramer, Kelvin Shikuku

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Climate Change Impacts, Food and Agriculture, Emissions and Gases
Year: 2023

Promotion of Climate-Friendly Cooking in Kenya and Senegal

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Marlies Schuttelaar

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Clean Cooking, Forestry and Natural Resources, Emissions and Gases
Year: 2019

Atmospheric Methane and Nitrous Oxide: Challenges along the path to Net Zero

The Royal Society

Euan G. Nisbet, Edward J. Dlugokencky, Rebecca E. Fisher, James L. France, David Lowry, Martin R. Manning, Sylvia E. Michel, Nicola J. Warwick

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Climate Change Impacts, Emissions and Gases, Health and Climate Change
Year: 2021

Inventory of GHG Emissions from Dairy Cattle in Kenya 1995-2017

Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development

Type: Government and Legislation
Theme/Sector: Emissions and Gases, Livestock, Food and Agriculture
Year: 2020

Moving Towards Next Generation Carbon Markets Observations From Article 6 Pilots

Climate Focus, Perspectives Climate Group

Axel Michaelowa, Dario Brescia, Nicole Krämer, Sandra Greiner, Stephan Hoch, Thiago Chagas

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Carbon Markets, Climate Change Impacts, Emissions and Gases
Year: 2019

Mortality and Greenhouse Gas Impacts of Biomass and Petroleum Energy Futures in Africa

IEA Publications

Robert Bailis, Majid Ezzati, Daniel M. Kammen

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Biomass, Emissions and Gases, Climate Change Impacts, Africa
Year: 2005

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