Message from the Founder

I am an economist and climate finance specialist with a deep interest in how climate change is affecting all aspects of the financial world. While I was doing research on climate risk in Kenya, I got frustrated trying to find the right literature and documents. I knew there were so many good documents out there, but they were all scattered across so many disparate sources. Even Google and Google Scholar didn’t help much with this problem of scattered sources. Another problem was that most of the climate change sites I consulted had very few documents and publications related to climate change in Kenya, and they didn’t adequately cover many of the themes and publications on Kenya.

"There must be a more efficient way to do this," I kept thinking to myself. Finally, I figured this is a problem I could help solve, both for myself and others, by building a centralized Kenya climate information repository and making it public. The repository is regularly updated by our research team, and we welcome your contributions and suggestions to keep it up to date.

To learn more about the credentials of our founder, visit the Founder’s website

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