Rainfall and temperature variability and its effect on food security in Kitui county, Kenya

International Journal of Development and Sustainability

Gladys Victoria Khisa

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Counties, Food Security, Kitui County, Rainfall, Temperature
Year: 2017

Climate Change in Kenya- A review of literature and evaluation of temperature and precipitation data

Lund University

Marie Wigren Skogseid

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Climate Change Impacts, Meteorology, Rainfall, Temperature
Year: 2017

Examining the potential contributions of extreme “Western V” sea surface temperatures to the 2017 March–June East African drought

American Meteorological Society

Abebe Tadege, Andrew Hoell, Catherine Pomposi, Chris Funk, Diego Pedreros, Diriba Korecha, Fetene Teshome, Gideon Galu, Guleid Artan, Kinfe Hailermariam, Laura Harrison, Sharon Nicholson, Zachary Atheru, Zewdu Tessema Segele

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: East Africa, Floods and Droughts, Meteorology, Temperature
Year: 2018

Meteorology Policy 2020

Ministry of Environment Climate Change and Forestry

Type: Government and Legislation
Theme/Sector: Climate Laws and Policies, Meteorology, Rainfall, Temperature
Year: 2020

Trends in Climate Variables (Temperature and Rainfall) and Local Perceptions of Climate Change in Lamu, Kenya

Russian Geographical Society

Daniel Ochieng Olago, Gilbert Ouma, Maggie Opondo, Maingey Yvonne

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Climate Change Impacts, Counties, Lamu County, Rainfall, Temperature
Year: 2020

State of the Climate in Africa

World Meteorological Organization (WMO)

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Africa, Climate Change Impacts, Meteorology, Rainfall, Temperature
Year: 2019

Heatwaves-Driven Human Morbidity and Mortality over Selected Counties in Kenya

Prepare Center

Bethwel Mutai

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Climate Change Impacts, Counties, Temperature
Year: 2022

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