Rainfall and temperature variability and its effect on food security in Kitui county, Kenya

International Journal of Development and Sustainability

Gladys Victoria Khisa

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Counties, Food Security, Kitui County, Rainfall, Temperature
Year: 2017

Adoption of rainwater harvesting as a sustainable approach to improving the climate resilience of small landholders in Kenya

Wiley Periodicals LLC

Kristin Mutschinski, Neil A. Coles

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Adaptation and Resilience, Rainfall
Year: 2023

Poverty and Exposure to Climate Change in sub-Saharan Africa

African Economic Research Consortium

Finn Tarp, Peter Fisker

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Africa, Climate Change Impacts, Poverty and Inequality, Rainfall
Year: 2021

Evaluation of rainwater harvesting techniques in Yatta district, Kenya

Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM)

Ibrahim Ahmed Abdelfadeel

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Climate Change Impacts, Rainfall
Year: 2012

Validation of Aquacrop Model for Simulated Climate Change Strategies for Maize Production in A Kenyan Nitisol

Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO)

A.O. Esilaba, J. Miriti, J.W. Onyango

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Food and Agriculture, Rainfall
Year: 2023

Investigating the Homogeneity of Monthly Rainfall Records in Kenya

Journal of Meteorological Research

Alfred Owuor Opere, Hezron Awit Andang’o, Jully O. Ouma, Nzioka John Muthama

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Meteorology, Rainfall
Year: 2016

Evaluation of the Skill of Monthly Precipitation Forecasts from Global Prediction Systems over the Greater Horn of Africa

American Meteorological Society

Guleid Artan, Hussen Seid Endris, Linda Hirons, Masilin Gudoshava, Steve Woolnough, Zewdu Tessema Segele

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Africa, Horn of Africa, Rainfall
Year: 2021

Impact of Rainfall Variability on Rural Tea Roads in Kericho, Kenya

East African Journal of Environment and Natural Resources

James Kibii Koske , Nancy Chemutai Koech, Sammy C. Letema

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Counties, Food and Agriculture, Kericho County, Rainfall
Year: 2021

Assessment of Meteorological Drought in Main Climatic Zones of Kenya

Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA)

John Nyangena

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Floods and Droughts, Meteorology, Rainfall
Year: 2020

Climate Change in Kenya- A review of literature and evaluation of temperature and precipitation data

Lund University

Marie Wigren Skogseid

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Climate Change Impacts, Meteorology, Rainfall, Temperature
Year: 2017

Causal pathways linking different flavours of ENSO with the Greater Horn of Africa short rains

John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Chris O'Reilly, David MacLeod, George Otieno, Martin Todd, Richard Graham

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: East Africa, Horn of Africa, Rainfall
Year: 2020

Future changes in rainfall associated with ENSO, IOD and changes in the mean state over Eastern Africa

Springer Open

Alessandro Dosio, Bruce Hewitson, Christopher Lennard, Grigory Nikulin, Guleid Artan, Hussen Seid Endris

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Africa, East Africa, Rainfall
Year: 2018

Meteorology Policy 2020

Ministry of Environment Climate Change and Forestry

Type: Government and Legislation
Theme/Sector: Climate Laws and Policies, Meteorology, Rainfall, Temperature
Year: 2020

Smallholders’ awareness of adaptation and coping measures to deal with rainfall variability in Western Kenya

Taylor & Francis Group

Emmeline Laszlo Ambjörnssonc, Ingrid Öborn, Johanna Wetterlindd, Mattias Jonssonb, Ylva Nyberga

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Adaptation and Resilience, Rainfall
Year: 2020

Trends in Climate Variables (Temperature and Rainfall) and Local Perceptions of Climate Change in Lamu, Kenya

Russian Geographical Society

Daniel Ochieng Olago, Gilbert Ouma, Maggie Opondo, Maingey Yvonne

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Climate Change Impacts, Counties, Lamu County, Rainfall, Temperature
Year: 2020

Skill of dynamical and GHACOF consensus seasonal forecasts of East African rainfall

Springer Open

Adam Scaife, Cathryn Birch, Dean Walker, John H. Marsham, Richard Graham, Zewdu Tessema Segele

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Africa, East Africa, Rainfall
Year: 2019

State of the Climate in Africa

World Meteorological Organization (WMO)

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Africa, Climate Change Impacts, Meteorology, Rainfall, Temperature
Year: 2019

Heavy precipitation events over East Africa in a changing climate: results from CORDEX RCMs

Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany

Enrico Scoccimarro, Hussen S. Endris, James B. Kung’u, James Koske, Malcolm N. Mistry, Obed M. Ogega

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Climate Change Impacts, East Africa, Rainfall
Year: 2020

Projected effects of 1.5° C and 2° C global warming levels on the intra- seasonal rainfall characteristics over the Greater Horn of Africa

IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (ICPAC)

George Otieno, Herbert Misiani, Hussen S. Endris, Jully O. Ouma, Masilin Gudoshava, Richard Anyah, Suman Jain, Victor S. Indasi, Zewdu Tessema Segele

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: East Africa, Horn of Africa, Rainfall
Year: 2020

Impacts of Agricultural Intensification through Up-scaling of Suitable Rainwater Harvesting Technologies in the Upper Ewaso Ngiro North Basin, Kenya

Hydrology and Earth System Sciences

J. K. Mutiga, S. Zhongbo, T. Woldai

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Crops and Crop Yields, Food and Agriculture, Rainfall
Year: 2011

Potential value of GCM-based seasonal rainfall forecasts for maize management in semi-arid Kenya


Ashok Mishra, James W. Hansen, K.P.C. Rao, Matayo Indeje, Robinson Kinuthia Ngugi

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Food and Agriculture, Rainfall
Year: 2009

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