Sustainable Energy For All Kenya Action Agenda

Ministry of Energy and Petroleum


Abstract: Access to modern energy services1 is a necessary precondition for achieving development goals that extend far beyond the energy sector,such as poverty eradication,access to clean water,improved public health and education,womenâ??s empowerment and increased food production. The United Nations (UN) Secretary General launched the Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) Initiative in September 2011 to achieve three inter-related goals by 2030. The SE4All Global Action Agenda (AA) was issued in April 2012 and it is based on a framework that advocates for universal energy access,fosters Energy Efficiency (EE) and boosts investment in Renewable Energy (RE). The SE4All goals are expected to be achieved through a number of High Impact Initiatives (HIIs) - targeted,on-the-ground programs or projects - which are categorized into High Impact Opportunities (HIOs). This Action Agenda (AA) presents an energy sectorwide long-term vision spanning 2015 to 2030. It outlines how Kenya will achieve the Countryâ??s SE4All goals,of: 100% access to modern energy services; increasing to 80% the share of renewable energy in the Countryâ??s energy mix; and doubling of the rate of improvement in energy e¬ ciency,by 2030.

Energy and Fuels, Energy Efficiency

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